Structural Engineering
Our Structural Engineering arm employs top-of-field engineers who collectively envisage the bigger picture of every project, while each attends to the smaller details within their individual areas of expertise.
Their work calls for each team member to be an investigator, a creative problem solver, a designer and a manager. The progressive and collaborative approach we take ensures every project meets both practical and aesthetic requirements.
Our talented team possess a know-how and proven experience to deliver optimal, regulation-compliant outcomes across all manner of building projects:
- Medium and high-rise buildings
- Prestige single dwellings and townhouse developments
- Industrial facilities
- Retail complexes
- University buildings, schools and childcare facilities
- Sporting facilities and auditoriums
- Health and aged care facilities
- Bridges and culverts
- Modular construction
- Relocatable structures
- Special construction platforms and temporary structures
- Loading assessments on existing building structures
- Awning Structural Certification – Awning Inspections